Step By Step House Drawing For Kdis

Drawing For Kids Owning a house is a significant accomplishment in and of itself, regardless of its size or exterior style, but not many people can claim they live in a house that is well-known around the globe!

Step By Step House Drawing For Kdis

An illustration of a children's house

Along with the White House's distinctive architecture, Drawing for Kids accomplishments have helped the structure gain international recognition as the official residence of the President of the United States while in office.

John Adams, who did so in the year 1880, was the first president to dwell in this building. Every president since has made it their main residence while in office.

Due to its illustrious past and iconic status, the White House is a subject of great interest among artists.

Simple Home Design

If like many others, you find this well-known residence to be intriguing, you will find that this tutorial is particularly created to meet your needs.

By following our detailed directions, which will guide you through drawing the White House in just six easy steps, you can create a stunning piece of art to honour this amazing structure. You will be able to do this if you follow our detailed guidance.

Let's start by sketching the house on some paper


  • Place your drawing tool directly in the centre of the White House's front facade to begin the first step of our in-depth tutorial on how to sketch the building.
  • To be more specific, we will draw the top portion of the centre structure. This building will have a rounded and curved shape, as well as a few small towers integrated into it.
  • The edges of the turret components will be rounded off.
  • You will be ready to proceed to the next stage of the guide once you have added another curved section beneath this one and have completed the process to the point where it resembles the example that we are using as a point of reference.


  • The next thing you need to do is outline more of the central region.
  • Although the second step of sketching this White House might seem challenging, it is not at all challenging.
  • A downward extension of the central portion will be made, and the majority of this extension will be made up of some relatively thin, lengthy pillar sections. Draw these narrow supports carefully, paying special attention to the top and bottom of each one.
  • Before continuing to step 3 of this guidance, you must first sketch out the detailing that will be present between each structure. Step 3 should not be started until this is finished. As a consequence, you will be able to move more quickly.


  • Finish the drawing by making any alterations required to the centre area.
  • In this third and final chapter of our guide on how to draw the White House, we'll finish up the central portion of the structure before going on to the various other components.
  • The first step in accomplishing this will be the installation of two modest staircases with curved landings on either side of the base for this centre portion. Then we'll create a couple of tiny entrances, with wall lanterns positioned in between each pair of entrances.
  • With this, we have finished the centre portion of the structure; in the section that follows, we will continue to include more parts.


  • In this final section of our tutorial on how to draw the White House, we'll sketch another region of the building that seems difficult but isn't necessary for us to succeed.
  • The majority of this building's floor plan will be rectangular, and it will be located on the left side of the complete structure.
  • The spaces between the thin pillars that have been incorporated into the layout of this portion will also be filled with ornate window designs. These structures are included in the area's design.
  • This step must be completed carefully, and you must pay close attention to how we did it. When that happens, you'll be ready to add some finishing touches, which are discussed in the part of the instructions that comes next!


  • In the fifth step, you will complete your White House representation by adding the last few details.
  • You will finish the remaining details and elements in our drawing instruction guide for the White House before moving on to the sixth and final step, in which you apply colour.
  • To replicate what you did in the earlier step, start by sketching the area of the building that is to the right. This will give you a good start.
  • Because the details should match those on the left, the right side should be as symmetrical as is physically feasible.
  • We'll also sketch some bushes at the foot of the White House, which you can make by adding some wavy lines to your drawing. This will happen after the White House plan is finished.


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