Bes House Drawing For Kids

Drawing For Kids Owning a home, regardless of its size or style, is an amazing accomplishment in and of itself, but not many individuals can say that their house is well-known worldwide!

Bes House Drawing For Kids

Kids Drawings Of A House

Due to its formal status as the residence of the President of the United States and its distinctive architectural elements, Drawing For Kids House is well-known worldwide.

Each succeeding president has resided there since John Adams did so in 1880.

Because of its illustrious past and distinctive design, many people enjoy learning how to sketch the White House.

This class is perfect if you share my fascination with this well-known residence!

Following our simple directions, you can draw the White House in just six easy steps and create a beautiful work of art to honor this amazing building.

How to Draw the White House: Let's Get Started!


  • The White House's façade will serve as your starting point in this first step of our drawing instructions.
  • We will provide a more thorough illustration of the center structure's upper portion. A few small square turret structures will be embedded within this curved, rounded structure.
  • Add a second curved section below this one until it matches the example in our reference image, and then you're ready to move on to the next section of the guide.


  • Expand the center part with extra illustrations.
  • The second step of this White House drawing is not as challenging as it first appears to be.
  • A downward-extending central part primarily comprised of long, slender pillar sections will be present. Take your time when drawing these small pillars; give each one extra attention at the top and bottom.
  • Before moving on to the third stage of this tutorial, you can draw in the details between each pillar.


  • Draw the final elements of the central part.
  • Before moving on to other sections of the structure, we will finish the central section in this third step of our tutorial on how to draw the White House.
  • To accomplish this, we will first build a pair of short, curved staircases on either side of the base of the central section. We'll then draw a few small openings with wall lanterns between them.
  • The main section will end here, and the following section will introduce more structure.


  • Now draw the left wing of the White House.
  • In this fourth part of our tutorial on sketching the White House, we'll depict another area that appears challenging but isn't.
  • This will be the rather rectangular left-hand side of the structure.
  • A few tiny supports are also incorporated into the design of this portion, and the spaces between them are filled with intricate window patterns.
  • It would be best if you attempted to imitate how we did this by moving slowly and carefully. You'll then be ready for the following phase of the guide's final touches!


  • Complete the White House drawing.
  • In this fifth chapter of our guide to drawing the White House, you will finish the last details and components before moving on to the next phase of adding color.
  • In a mirror image of what you did in the step before, start by drawing the right-hand half of the building.
  • Make it as symmetrical as possible; the features should resemble those on the left.
  • We'll also be sketching some bushes at the base of the White House, which you can do by drawing some wavy lines.
  • The White House wouldn't be complete without a US flag flying proudly above the building, so one must do so.
  • Before moving on to the final step, add a few finishing details! Using a specific style, one idea is to create a patriotic backdrop behind the building. What historical context can you imagine including?


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